Our site

We strive to maintain the accuracy, timeliness, and availability of our Site. Certain sections may be temporarily unavailable during updates, and we reserve the right to modify or withdraw access to any part of the Site at any time. While we aim to provide accurate and up-to-date material, we disclaim all responsibility and liability, to the extent permitted by law, regarding the accuracy and/or availability of the material on this Site.

Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights in all materials on this Site are owned by or licensed to Westbrook Data Protection Services, including photos, graphical works, and text. You may reproduce such materials for personal review only. Any other use or reproduction of material on this Site, in any media or format, is strictly prohibited unless expressly permitted. For further information on reproduction of materials on our Site, please contact info@wdps.co.uk

Westbrook Data Protection Services is a registered trademark.

Reliance on information on our site

Materials on our Site are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal or other advice. Seek individual advice from us for any specific issues. We disclaim all liability and responsibility for reliance on the materials on our Site to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Information we may collect about you

When you visit our Site, we do not collect information about you, as set out in accordance with our Privacy Statement.


Links provided by our Site to third-party sites are for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for the content of, and have no control over, third-party sites linked from ours.


Your use of our Site is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts and governed by English Law.


If you have any questions, please contact info@wdps.co.uk
These terms of use and any referenced documents may be amended by us at any time. Please periodically check this page for any changes.